You can also click R3/Right-Stick to quickly see your character’s face without facial hair, and tap L1/LB and R1/RB to quickly check your character’s profile.
To further adjust a number of facial features, tap X/A to enter the Customize section and use the sliders to fine-tune your character. Use the character creator’s in-depth tools to detail your character’s appearance and facial features.
But keep in mind that once you make your base decisions, those won't change once you enter the game: For those of you who are already playing, or who plan to soon, you can give Rockstar feedback here, as they're 'constantly working to improve and evolve the experience.' With that in mind, let's dive in! Character Creationīefore you spend at least 10 hours on character creation, keep this in mind: many initially missed the fact that you can really fine-tune your character's facial features within the menu, and also hide facial hair as you make adjustments.